AjustLock has a 100% lifetime guarantee on all of our items. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please return the item for a full refund.
Returns must be requested within 30 days of your order and arrive at our warehouse within 45 days of our ship date. Item(s) must be in their original retail packaging. We will not accept item(s) that are damaged or abused, missing any parts, missing the UPC or are not in the original packaging.
To process a return and/or inform us about missing item(s) or wrong SKU item(s), please send us an email at returns@ajustco.com or call us at 855-258-7826. Our customer support team will contact you asap and give you the necessary guidelines to process the return.
All returns must be sent with your order number to our Warehouse at the address below – Please include where you would like the replacement item(s) sent to.
Ajustco, LLC
2300 Eberhart Road
Whitehall, PA 18052