Meet the Founders of Ajustco, an innovative new product development company that is the inventor of AjustLock. Jason Stile discusses the company's vision and demonstrates how AjustLock solves a critical design problem in existing barrel bolt locks.
This video presents Jason Stile, Co-Founder and CEO of Ajustco, explaining the AjustLock technology and offering a detailed guide on how to assemble the world's first adjustable barrel bolt lock. AjustLock is perfect as a metal door lock, gate lock, bathroom stall door lock, window lock or even cabinet lock.
There are many day-to-day life situation where the lack of a proper door lock can cause all sorts of problems - security issues as well as pure embarrassment! This commercial shows how indispensable AjustLock barrel bolt locks can be...
This clever animation shows one of the most frequent and frustrating problems faced by homeowners, apartment tenants, contractors and anyone who has ever used a public bathroom stall - door lock shift and misalignment, which prevents doors, gates and stalls from being locked properly. AjustLock, the new adjustable barrel bolt lock, by Ajustco, is heralded as the "hero" which saves the day. "It's Just Better" tagline says it all.
The video demonstrates how AjustLock solves a critical design issue with traditional barrel bolt locks, which have not been upgraded for over 60 years. The patent-pending innovation, by Ajustco, is a simple solution to a common problem. AjustLock, it's just better.
Ajustco's CEO - Jason Stile - demonstrates how easy it can be to fix your misaligned barrel bolt lock without having to move the whole lock, patch and paint your walls and endure all kinds of headaches. With AjustLock's new patented adjustable barrel bolt lock, life just became a little easier.
Barrel bolt locks have not changed in almost 100 years. Annoying door shift and lock misalignment issues have gone unresolved, until now. A new innovation by Ajustco - called AjustLock - is demonstrated here by the Inventor, Jason Stile. This simple solution sets the new standard for barrel bolts, and is rolling out in hardware stores - big and small - across the U.S. and worldwide, in 2013. Find out where to buy the world's first adjustable barrel bolt lock - to be used on door locks, gate locks, window locks and more