Bolt Lock Collections


Year 5 Update

July 24, 2017

Hello everyone,  It is has been almost a year since I posted a new blog. I often add to write a new blog on my task list but it just doesn’t happen. I guess I am just deep into the grind of growing the company. That is a good thing. I would like to document the journey though like I did for the first few years. The Home Depot account is activating nationwide this summer. Almost half of the stores are already set up. This was a hard-earned account. We had to go through 3 different buyers, factory audits and 3 store tests over a 4-year period to manifest this. It is well worth it because we are in now...

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Start-Up Salaries – Watering the Garden

October 06, 2016

When one is about to launch a new venture, someone has to take the risk and dedicate years of their life to get it going. One important question arises when funds are being raised.  How much do we pay the CEO of a start-up or the founders? The CEO has to pay his personal expenses and survive and the investors want as much of the seed money to be pumped into the development and marketing of your product whether physical or digital. What is the right number? How do you find that sweet spot? I can say from personal experience being the CEO of a start-up that I made my investors feel comfortable by taking a pay cut from what...

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